The Union Underground ~Biography~

John Moyer

He answered my 20 Questions in April 2nd, 2001. Thanx !! John!!!




2. Birthplace

--El Paso Texas

3. Height

--5' 9"

4. Hobbies

--Video games and guitar

5. Favorite food

--Mexican food

6. Favorite musicians/bands

--Way too many to mention but Johnny Cash is one of them

7. Do you have any siblings?

--No, just me

8. When did you first play bass guitar?

--I did not start until I was 16

9. Do you play any other instruments?

--I try to play guitar and drums

10. What is your favorite song to play live?

--I like them all. really. they are like our children.  I don't love one more than the others.

11. What music are you listening to these days?

--I have been listening to Linkin park, Saliva, flybanger

12. While you're touring, what do you do on your Off-time?

--Answer e-mails.  I guess that does not count.  sometimes I will go and check out whatever city I am in.

13. If you could only have 10 albums on a desert island, What would they be?

--Appetite for Destruction by GnR

Get off the Cross by Firewater

The Bends by Radiohead

Dirt by Alice in Chains

Let Love Rule by Lenny Kravitz

The Color and the Shape by the Foo Fighters

Above by Mad Season

Wish you Were Here by Pink Floyd

We Sold Our Soul for Rock and Roll by Black Sabbath

Master of Puppets by Metallica.     

…….Next week my list will be different!!!

14. If you had to describe yourself as an animal, What animal would that be?

--A friend of mine told me I am like a cat...always landing on my feet. 

15. Name five things that nobody knows about you.

--If I told you then everyone would know!

16. What is your most prized possession?

--A bass guitar that my dad helped me buy
17. What do you think Japanese music market?
--I think that Japanese consumers think for themselves a liitle more than thier american counterparts when it comes to music.

18 What do you think is the most revolutionizing aspect about the Internet?


19. How did you come to join UU?

--They saw me at a gig with another band and they knew I was the guy they needed

20. Leave the messages to Japanese UU fan.

--If you like our CD then I think you will love our live show.  Be patient.  we will make it to Japan eventually.

