News 2003 01 – 03
News 2003
June 2003
from uucompound
“The Union Underground will be doing a show on Friday the 4th of July at Sunset Station in San Antonio--opening act will be the awesome Pitbull Daycare”
April 2003
uucompoundによると、UUはプロデューサーにロブ・ソンビを手がけたScott Humphryを迎え、4月15日にスタジオ入りする予定。
March 2003
from Scarlett:
Just talked to John and this is what he had to say, "We are going into the studio with the producer for Rob Zombie on April 16th with completion scheduled for July."
Nothing about the tour is set as of yet but he mentioned that they are hoping for sometime in July or August....
February 2003
January 2003
A Happy New Year!
News 2002 Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec
News2001.Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec