News 2002 10 – 12
News 2002 Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec
December 2002
From Official site
Guitar Tomb Giveaway
This is your chance to win the ultimate piece of Union Underground memorabilia - The Guitar Tomb. Currently hanging on the wall of Patrick’s studio, it is a transparent red BC Rich guitar with custom light FX. The guitar was broken (sacrificed!) on stage during the 2000 Marilyn Manson tour. It has been mounted, signed and dated in a sturdy shadowbox with a custom metal Union Underground logo and a switch that turns the guitar light FX on and off! The only way to win it is by joining the fan club before Jan 15th. The lucky winner will be randomly chosen and announced at the end of January. In addition to entering the contest, fan club membership gets you posters, singles, and videos from the new record due out in 2003, a “UnionHead” t-shirt, a rebellion tour dvd, as well as more contests, giveaways and exclusive fan club meet and greets when the band goes out on tour. It is easy to join!! Just send a check or money order for $25.00 ($30 for international memberships) to:
14080 Nacogdoches
PMB #219
San Antonio, Texas 78247
Please include your email address. You will receive a confirmation for your 2003 UnionHead Fan Club Membership via email. Thanks and Good Luck!!
November 2002
The Union Underground
If you were unable to attend the concert, the Union Underground’s special guests were the surviving members of Drowning Pool. At the end of Union Underground’s set, singer Brian Scott introduced the surviving members as they strapped on their instruments and proceeded to launch into the most electrifying rendition of “Bodies” that had 13,000 singing-along to every word. UU members Josh Memelo, John Moyer and Patrick Kennison provided back-up vocals, while UU Brian Scott and the surviving members of Drowning Pool honored the memory of their Rock N Roll brother Dave Williams. ( By Chuck Stanley
The tribute with DP was f**kin AWESOME!!! The crowd went absolutely wild. Besides being an awesome thing to do for some of their best friends, I think it gained UU some respect! (By Mitch)
THE SHOW WAS AWESOME!!!! Mel and I stood next to each other for the whole thing. It was Great!!! One of the best shows I've seen them do and you're going to LOVE the new music!!! Also, the tribute they did with Drowning Pool was the BEST!!! I'm still all excited!!! (By Mitch)
Yes, it is true, Mike, CJ, and Stevie all played with The Union Underground. Throughout Union Undergrounds performance, they were watching along with Distrubed. After Union's last song, they announced that a special band was coming up and they all walked out. Grab some instruments and the one song they could do a tribute to Dave was BODIES! They broke into the song and it was awesome, the whole place erupted. Throughout the song, members of Union Underground sang backup and I beleive the guitarist for Union had a bottle of Jack and C.J. chugged it. They finished the song and they through out some picks and drum sticks. C.J. jumped down and greeted the crowd. I was among one of the lucky on the front rail in the pit to shake his hand. All in all the band is in good spirits and can still rock. Drowning Pool FUCKING rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (By matt_garner San Antonio)
At the pop sux tour saturday night, members of Drowning Pool flooded the stage as Union Underground completed their set. We'd just been warmed up with South Texas Death Ride and were expecting to settle down, go take a piss, get some beer and chill while the stage was changed for the very lame next band (Trust Company)when the UU singer came back out with some shirtless winter camo pants wearin doods who he introduced as the remaining members of DROWNING POOL!!!! As a tribute to Dave they absolutely rocked Bodies. For the entire night, no one else, not Disturbed, not UU, no one came close to Korn for sheer audience energy, but it's possible, hard to say, but possible, that that one song might have outdone Korn...
Thanks guys, for a very very memorable moment. (By Jamey)
October 2002
最新のUUライヴ写真はMelのサイトで。演奏された新曲は”Across The Nation” ” All of Us and Everyone”のみでした。
Sep19th San Angelo Live pics by Mel
WWE RAW でのTVライヴの模様が少しだけ見られます。
Live info
l Nov 2, 2002 Selma, TX @ Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre 99.5 KISS BIG-O Rock Show Korn, Disturbed, Trust Company, Earshot, Union Underground, Flaw, 3rd Strike, Saliva, Audiovent, Theory Of A Deadman
News2001.Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec